26302 La Paz Rd Ste 107
Rancho Santa Margarita California 92691

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Monday–Friday: 9am–12pm & 1pm - 5pm

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Rancho Santa Margarita, CA’s Clear Choice For Hearing Care Is Mission Audiology

How long has it been since you have hit the town to enjoy a social event, your favorite restaurant, or other activities you used to enjoy? For most individuals with a hearing loss, background noise at a busy restaurant or a crowded banquet hall is stressful, but with the help of a hearing care professional and modern hearing technology, you can escape the frustration and return to the active lifestyle you love.

We pull out all the stops when we set out to address the hearing care needs of our patients in Rancho Santa Margarita, going above and beyond to provide you with hearing rehabilitation solutions that allow you to enjoy the sounds of the world around you. Unparalleled expertise, compassionate care, and state-of-the-art hearing technology are all trademarks of our team of five doctors of audiology.

Since 2007, South Bay Hearing has helped to transform more than 30,000 lives in the South Bay of Los Angeles with 5-star hearing care that’s focused on addressing your unique needs and improving your overall quality of life.

Better Hearing Care Begins With A Hearing Assessment

Memory recall, cognitive decline, and the early onset of dementia are all risks that accompany hearing loss that is left untreated. Depending on the severity of your hearing loss, your level of risk increases from 200% for mild hearing loss to 500% for more severe cases.

Our comprehensive hearing assessments are designed to pinpoint the type and severity of your hearing loss so that we can create a customized treatment plan that’s designed to slow down or prevent the development of dementia by applying our expertise and today’s most advanced hearing technology.

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Diagnostic hearing test

Resound Hearing Aids

Take Advantage Of Advanced Hearing Technology In Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

Straining to hear the conversations around you when there is a lot of background noise may cause you to avoid enjoying an active social life. However, thanks to digital noise reduction (DNS) technology, modern hearing aids are able to distinguish between speech sounds and noise sounds in order to reduce noise distortion and enhance speech clarity.

If you do nothing more than amplify the sounds around, you also amplify distortion, but modern hearing aid technology works to enhance voice and sound clarity. With lighter, smaller, and more discrete options available and the capacity to connect your hearing device to other digital devices, such as your smartphone, television, or PC, hearing aids can have a significant impact on your quality of life.

Although we are able to treat hearing loss after it has developed, we would rather protect riders, rockers, shooters, and others at risk of developing a noise-induced hearing loss from the damage with custom hearing protection.

The advanced technology cochlear implants you have access to through South Bay Hearing are often the answer to addressing severe hearing and communication issues that do not respond to other treatments.

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Get Help Coping With Your Tinnitus

Ringing, whistling, hissing, buzzing, or pulsing sounds are common characteristics of tinnitus, a neurological condition that develops in your brain and threatens your quality of life through stress, anxiety, loss of sleep, and problems with concentration. An estimated 50 million Americans experience the symptoms of tinnitus, which only occur occasionally in most but can be experienced 24/7 for less fortunate individuals.

The stress and anxiety of chronic tinnitus does not have to continue to control the lives of Rancho Santa Margarita residents. Our team of tinnitus experts at South Bay Hearing has proven techniques available to help you cope with your tinnitus symptoms so you can get some relief.

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Tinnitus hearing aid on ear

Woman working out in MIssion Viejo, CA

Going Above And Beyond To Serve Rancho Santa Margarita

It is our passion to ensure that everyone in the South Bay area is able to experience the life changing benefits of professional hearing care, so we go above and beyond to address all of your hearing-related needs with additional services such as hearing aid maintenance and repair, aural rehabilitation, earwax management, and more.

Health, schedules, travel, and a variety of other challenges often make it impossible to attend an in-office appointment, which is why we provide an alternative solution to individuals in Rancho Santa Margarita to overcome these issues with tele-health appointments.

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Meet the Team

Dr. Mark Datuin, Au.D.


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Melinda “Sunni” McBride, Au.D.

Advisory Board / Founder of Mission Audiology

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Ready to Start Your Journey to Better Hearing?

Request an appointment with Mission Audiology today.