What Successful Business Traits Do You Possess
When you made the choice to improve your hearing, you also made the choice to improve your life — which includes your career and earnings. A study from the Better Hearing Institute reported that hearing aid use reduces the risk of losing income by 90 to 100 percent for those with mild hearing loss and by 65 to 77 percent for those with moderate to severe hearing loss.1
Treating hearing loss can reduce the likelihood of hearing-related income loss and increase the likelihood of perks you may not have considered. Take a look at just a handful of the ways that better hearing can help you in your career.
It improves your workplace communication.
Almost all employees (95 percent) who suspect they have a hearing loss but have not sought treatment believe their untreated hearing loss impacts their job performance in at least one way, the “Listen Hear!” survey by EPIC Hearing Healthcare reported.2 The study found that among those surveyed:
- 61% ask people to repeat themselves
- 42% misunderstand what is being said
- 40% pretend to hear when they can’t
Conversely, a 2007 study by the Better Hearing Institute found that nearly 7 in 10 participants reported improvements in their ability to communicate effectively when they used hearing aids. For jobs where communication is critical, treating hearing loss pays off.
It shows you don’t settle.
Many people ignore or downplay their health problems, but addressing your hearing loss sends the message that you’re willing to deal with obstacles head on. You’ll do what it takes to stay on top of your game and won’t settle for mediocrity.
It improves your confidence.
One of the largest self-report surveys of hearing aid users and their close family and friends revealed that self-image, self-confidence, relations at work, and life overall improve greatly. Despite the stigma surrounding wearing hearing aids, better hearing means better relationships and more confidence, two things that improve both your personal and professional lives.
It keeps you on the cutting edge of technology.
Hearing technology today isn’t the same as it was a decade ago — it’s connective and plays well with other technology to make your life easier. With hearing systems that connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth® to stream audio and allow you to customize your listening situation, today’s technology acts to improve your life in ways that go beyond better communication.
It keeps your earning potential high.
That same Better Hearing Institute study mentioned earlier revealed that hearing loss can pose a significant barrier to productivity, performance, overall career success, lifetime earnings, and household earnings — to the tune of $30,000 in lost income every year. Those with untreated hearing loss also face higher rates of unemployment, which drops your earning potential.